Formation of Indian Sub-Continent

भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप यानि Indian Sub-continent जिसे short मे सिर्फ Sub-continent भी कहते है। हमारी दुनिया का एक नगीना है। यह जन्म भूमि है कई ...

Why do our eyes turn red in pictures?

Why do our eyes turn red in pictures? अंधेरे मे flash की सहायता से ली गई तस्वीरों मे आँखें  लाल क्यूँ  नजर आती है ओर ऐसा दिन या उजाले में ली...

Origin of life | Life started on earth or has come here from somewhere else

' Origin of Life ' it's an important question. In this blog, we discussed various theories and possibilities related to...

Why is a 'Red Cross' used as a medical symbol?

  Why is a 'Red Cross' used as a medical symbol? Why is a 'Red Cross' used as a medical symbol? I'm pretty sure all of...

Why is Octopus Blood Blue?

  Why is Octopus Blood Blue? Most animals on earth have red blood but some animals like octopus have blue blood. Why it is so? what makes o...

What is life? How do we define life?

  What is life? How do we define life? One of the most fascinating questions that have bothered us since time memorable is what is life? Wha...

How snowflakes grow? Why do they look so artistic?

  Story of snowflake Look at these snowflakes they look wonderful it’s so fascinating just to glare at them and think about their special sh...